Welcome to Felitaur Enterprises
This site is maintained by Phil Waclawski, owner
and operator of Felitaur Enterprises.
Felitaur Enterprises is a mobile home business that is starting its 11th
year of operation. Started by Phil Waclawski in 1996, the range of
services is steadily increasing. The owner and
operator of Felitaur Enterprises has been teaching within the Maricopa
Community College system for 14 years now, including classes on the
Internet and basic/advanced Linux. I also
sell my custom made jewelry, chain, leatherwork and woodworking Crafts. If
interested in more info, check out about me.
Curious about the company name and want to know what a felitaur is?
Web Pages Created by Felitaur Enterprises
(note: Felitaur Enterprises is only responsible for the formatting of the
following pages. Content is the responsibility of the customer, and may
not reflect the views of Felitaur Enterprises. )
For more information, or comments on the pages, email: