Internet Security Page
Page Under Construction
        Security is always an issue, but especially on the
internet. It IS possible to make things as secure as the "real world", it
takes some work, and some knowledge on your part.
        Here is a list of the topics I hope to have
information on soon.
Encryption is a method of turning normal text into unreadable code, unless
you have the proper tools to decode it, and there are some free versions
of this on the internt. One of them is PGP and another examples is Entrust Technologies Of course, our
government views
this ability to ensure privacy as a threat, and right now encryption is
viewed as weapons technology, and it is an act of treason to take it out
of the U.S. For some comments on it from 1996, check out Recent
Developments in the U.S..
Digital Watermarks
PGP, or pretty good privacy, is a popular form of encryption that people use to
secure their email. It is called an "asymmetric" system, as it uses TWO
code "keys". One is given out in public. Anyone with PGP and your "Public
key" can encrypt their message to you. However, only your "Private Key"
can turn it back into words. Check out Network Associates PGP. They even have a
freeware version.
Secure Sockets Layer, used by many browsers to add an encryption
connection to secure your credit card numbers and other important