Felitaur Site
Phil Waclawski's Class Specific Information
- Spring 2012 Syllabus
- Instructors Schedule
- Main Internet Page
- Email instructor signature using signature file properly
- Email Instructor attached image (small size, do NOT use
Create an Address book for the class and save it to
- Use www.google.com or
related site to search for two fun links and two internet related links
- Email class with 2 fun links (paste links, do not attach)
- Email Class with 2 links about the internet
- Tutorial 4 Quiz
- Searching for the EXACT SAME THING:
- 6 different search engines, and print out the first
page of results for each
- 1 yahoo index search, and print out the first page of
results for each
- Staple them together, and turn in the 7
pages with your name on the top.
- GOOGLE WHACK- using two words, get only "1" hit on google. 0 hits doesn't work. If you can't get a true google whack, at least get the number of hits below 100.
- Tutorial 5/6 "QUIZ"
- Create a simple text/word document
- Find or create a simple image
- Zip those two files into one .zip archive
- Email that .zip file to your instructor as an attachment
- NOTE: The school no longer creates web directories for new students, only existing students still have them, so until I create you an account on lampbusters.com you will not be able to do the filezilla part, so just email it to me for now
- Tutorial 7/8 "Quiz"
- Tutorial 9/10 "Quiz"
Web Page Assignments
- Do your first index page with notepad
- Use the Basic XTHMLtemplate to make sure your page validates
- And you can download Filezilla to upload your work.
- And for vi help and putty, check out the Cheat Sheet
- Visibone Colorlab
- And you can also try out Jedit for a nice HTML editor
- Resume page
- Create a page called "resume.html"
- At the top, using headers and centered, put a name, address
and eventually a photo
- Using bold and underline, put in the following categories
- Goals
- Education
- Work History
- Training and Certification
- Hobbies
- References
- And somewhere on the resume page you must use
- Ordered List
- Unordered List
- Header
- Paragraph
- horizontal rule
- Link back to your index.html page
- An image centered at the top
- Table page
- 9 or more cells
- use both <th> and <td> to make cells
- use at least a rowspan or a colspan properly
- Use a background color for table, row or cell
- use cellpadding or cellspacing
Final Web Page Site
- NOTE: Points will be taken off for ANY use of the <center> tag, and excessive use of the <font> tag.
- A total of 8 pages (counting index.html, and also your
resume.html or table.html)
- Home page (index.html) needs
mailto: In future, use a contact webscript page.
- Links to all your pages, including resume,table
- graphics
- Links page (15 links on a topic, must be outside links)
- Form Page that uses
- method="get" and action=""
- text box and password boxes
- One set of radio buttons
- Set of check boxes
- One select (pull down menu)
- reset and submit buttons
- Must be clearly labelled
- A page that uses a STYLESHEET!
- you can call the page css.html
- the style sheet can be mystyle.css (or whatever, only
the .css ending is important)
- Other than "alt=" NO options can be specified in the
html page other than in the DTD and html/meta tags in the head.
- use at least 4 tags for formatting (h1-h6, p,
- Use at least one class (say a p and p.whatever)
- Use one "div"
- Set at least a different text color and background
color for the different elements
- try out a border-style and a border-color, they're fun
- A page that does layout using a table.
- 1 or more pages that are up to you, should try to fit into a central theme
- a table
- A "clickable image"
- an ftp:// link (can use felitaur.com)
- The three types of lists (ol, ul, dl)
- Use some font "styles" (font-family: etc)
- All images have the alt=" " option set
- Remember, if you already did these on resume.html or table.html does not count.
- All pages must validate and have included the following
<a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer"><img
src="valid-xhtml10.png" alt="W3C Button to test XHTML validation" /></a>
And copy this image
- Present your site for 20pts (Gives a total of 200pts for final project)
NOTE: You must be present for the presentations to get your 20pts