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CIS166AE PHP Final Project
For the most part, what your site about is up to you, though it must be
professional in behavior and content. Some suggestions include:
- An Auction Site
(you can fix up my example, but put a copy of it in your
"final project" directory to keep it separate from your homework)
- A shopping cart type site
- A weblog
- A site for member only services
- A search content type site
- Store it in its own directory (finalproject etc.)
- 1-2 forms (can be used from include files)
- As much as possible use a controller file, and a seperate view, and data model as well (MVC)
- untaint ALL user input with preg(_replace),substr etc
- database of 1-2 tables
- Can use php to insert/update tables (maybe only for admin)
- Session ID that is used to track user, from an value in a
- Use of include files
- Use of 1 or more classes
- email confirmation of user input
- NOTE: Unless you already know PHP and have been working on this for a while, there is NO WAY you will have a finished polished looking site, let alone even complete PHP functionality. Worry about meeting the above requirements first.
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