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CIS126DA UNIX Final Review
The first part comes from the solaris based part of theUnixcourse. All of
this is stuff that has been covered in class, and is a good overall review
list for the final. The vast majority of questions will come from these
topics. HOWEVER, ANYTHING covered in class is fair game.
- Learning about UNIX (lecture topic pages, man, man -k
- File And Directory Organization
- /etc/ which includes
- httpd/conf/
- httpd/logs/
- rc.d/......
- rc.d/init.d/
- skel/
- group
- gshadow
- passwd
- shadow
- printcap
- resolv.conf
- xinetd.d (for vsftp, imap, pop)
- modules.conf
- syslog.conf
- logrotate.conf
- services
- hosts.deny
- hosts.allow
- inittab
- fstab
- profile & bashrc
- sudoers
- /var/log
- /var/www
- /var/spool
- /mnt
- /proc
- /usr/src/linux/
- /dev
- /bin
- /sbin
- /home
- /usr
- /opt
- /lib
- /
- .
- ..
- ~
- Ownership, priveleges and groups (chgrp, chown, chmod, groupadd)
- Printer Control
- Diskspace Management
- Job Control (ps -aux or -ef, kill, jobs, ^z, fg, bg, &)
- Piping and redirection ( | and > vs. >> )
Switching now to the administration part of the course on the Linux box.
- Installation Issues (Week 1)
- Know you hardware, IRQ, DMA, IO
- monitor-refresh rate, it will limit your display, not the
video board
- partitioning with fdisk
- winmodems-why bad?
- Basic System Amdin (week 3) start, stop services, add/remove users,
inetd.conf, inittab, sudo, su
- Printer and Cron (week 4) crontab, printer commands, how to use tar,
- Managing file systems (mount, fstab, rpm options, quota, df, du,
fdisk, mke2fs, fsck)Week 5
- Networking (Week 6) Review ALL
- Security (week 7) scanners, scanner detectors, what services should be
shut down. Good passwords, social engineering.
- Kernel Recompiling (week 8) Why do it? What are modules?
- Log Management (week 9) Review ALL
- Scripting (week 10 and handouts)(you will be asked questions about a
simple script on the exam)
- #!/bin/bash (what does that line do?)
- #comments
- permissions, whose does it run under, etc.
- if then elif else fi
- case
- while
- select
- $(( ))
- date +%k
- $0 through $9
- $?
- -ne -eq -lt -le -gt -ge
- -o and -a
- -n and -z
- variables (how to assign, how to use)
- ` ` (backquotes)
- echo
- read
- function (where do they go? function arguments $1 $2...)
- awk -F: '{print $1}' /etc/passwd (or skip the -F: and use a $3