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CIS126DL Linux Assignments
Lecture Overview Index | Linux SysAdmin Homepage
- Set multi-user.target as the default run level
Add a .xinitrc to your users home directory and put
exec startkde inside it.
- create /etc/sysconfig/deskop and put the line DESKTOP=KDE inside
- install httpd and enable it
- Add the EPEL repository
- Install ALL updates (yum update)
- Create .gitignore file in /etc
- Install etckeeper and do etckeeper init
- Set up the bare git repo in /root and the hooks in /etc
- Disable bluetooth.service
- The User/Group Account
creation/management assignment (40pts)
- OPTIONAL: Install alpine (part of epel repo) move
the pico program to pico.orig, create a new file called pico, put
pico.orig -z $1 $2 inside (Go to network page on syllabus)(5pts extra credit)
- Setup one printer (10pts) (for laptop users you will need to make a note
for the grading script)
- Set up a crontab file for root
- Install RKhunter, edit the rkhunter.conf and run it (10pts)
edit the sshd_config file, move the old keys to /root and then restart sshd
- Install portsentry (remember to remove the # from the line talking
about iptables before compiling) (check out lecture overview week 7)
- Put in the portsentry.service file and use systemctl to enable it
- Install Keepassx2 (10pts)
- Install jwhois,logwatch,htop
- Use git to clone the https://github.com/linuxphilw/dotfiles and run the scripts
- Make sure that "PermitRootLogin no" is set in /etc/ssh/sshd_config (5pts)
- Have the writediary program working (store in your users bin directory(that you have to create)(10pts)
- Total points for this will be 250
- Your newuser script will be
worth 60 pts. (not always assigned due to time constraints)