Basic HTML 5 Template

Barebones HTML Template to use for your web pages

Basic Concepts

Filename Rules

HTML 5 Guidelines

  1. All tags/attributes must be lower case
  2. All tags with closing tags must be properly nested (closed in opposite order of being opened)

    <p><b><i>This is the OK</i> way to</b> nest tags</p>
  3. Do not use the majority of the old attributes (bgcolor= "grey") anymore, use styles

  4. Tags such as <font></font> are gone, do not use them, and <center></center> NEVER EXISTED, so DO NOT USE
  5. The 7 or so tags that do not have closing tags (<br> <hr> <img> <input> <meta> <link>) should NOT have a closing tag so do NOT do </br>

HTML 5 Template

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    <title>Basic HTML 5</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
    <meta name="dcterms.rightsHolder" content="Name of Copyright Holder">
    <meta name="dcterms.dateCopyrighted" content="2012">
    Actual web page goes here. There is no "neck" and don't stick your head in your body, it hurts. ;)

    <div id="validator">
        <a href="">
        HTML 5 Validation</a>

        <a href="">
        CSS 3 Validator

        <a href="">
        Wave Accessibility Test</a>

Validator Setup for HTML 5


Page last updated on 20220930

HTML 5 Validation CSS 3 Validation Web Accessibility EValuator