
  1. table (border bgcolor bordercolor width align (div align="center") cellpadding cellspacing title & summary )
  2. caption
  3. th and tr (id and header?) (bgcolor, width, align, valign, colspan, rowspan)
  4. /table
  5. Accessibility
  6. Fixed vs. Flexible Widths
  7. Nesting Tables
  8. Style Sheet Issues


  1. RGB vs CMYK
  2. "Web Safe" colors
  3. where you can use colors (not counting style sheets), link colors should not be changed?
  4. hr width, color?, align, size,noshade, or use a color dot


  1. gif, jpeg, png
  2. Optimized for web (tradeoffs)
  3. Anti-aliased text in graphics
  4. animations
  5. img align, alt, title, border, height, hspace, id, longdesc, name, src, vspace, width
  6. bgcolor and background
  7. nobr
  8. tables for images
  9. image maps
  10. image slicing
  11. Gimp, photoshop
W3C Button to test XHTML validation