1. Create a file called firstcss.html based off of the XHTML template we used in class
    1. This should be the "homepage" for some sort of a media company
    2. Use a mix of headers (h1, h2), paragraphs etc.
    3. Create a nested list (a list inside a list)
    4. Use at least one <div> tag
    5. Put up at least one image
    6. link the page to firstcss.css
    7. All pages MUST validate!
  2. Create a file called firstcss.css, do NOT put any XHTML in it
    1. Create and use at least one class
    2. use at least one id (probably with div above)
    3. set font properties (color, size, family, etc)
    4. Use some border styles, background colors
  3. Link the page firstcss.html onto your index.html page, and post the link to the appropriate discussion board when you are done (note, these files should be kept in your cis233da folder on lampbusters.com)
W3C Button to test XHTML validation