Dealing with errors and more work with decisions and loops

Exercise 2: Dial-in shopping


CALL connect_to_grocer
IF connect_OK
  THEN CALL send_credit_card_number
             INPUT shopping_item
             DOWHILE shopping_item <> 'END'
              CALL transmit(shopping_item)
               INPUT shopping_item
            END DOWHILE
            CALL disconnect_link
  ELSE DISPLAY 'Connection not available'

The dial-in shopping list algorithm has room for improvement. What problems does it have? Rewrite the algorithm to overcome the problems.

The major problem is that we dial-in to the grocer's computer and send a credit card number before testing the shopping list to make sure that it isn't empty. The loop priming, apart from not sending an empty shopping list, can also guard against an unecessary phone call.

INPUT shopping_item
IF shopping <> 'END'
  CALL connect_to_grocer
  IF connect_OK
    THEN CALL send_credit_card_number
               DOWHILE shopping_item <> 'END'
                CALL transmit(shopping_item)
                 INPUT shopping_item
              END DOWHILE
              CALL disconnect_link
    ELSE DISPLAY 'Connection not available'
 ELSE DISPLAY 'Empty shopping list, call to grocer cancelled'

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and may not be reproduced by any means without the written

This publication is copyright David Beech and Learning Systems 1997-2002
and may not be reproduced by any means without the written permission of
David Beech.
9 Wyndella Street, Tasmania, Australia